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Portable expresses regret over missing Davido's wedding

"We had a dinner meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, weeks ago, and he asked me to be part of his groomsmen."- Portable

CONTROVERSIAL street-pop sensation, Habeeb Okikiola Badmus, aka Portable Zazuu, has taken to social media to express remorse over missing Davido's wedding to Chioma.

During a recent live session, Portable revealed that he was initially invited to the wedding but had his invitation revoked.screenshot_20240626_143919

"I was supposed to be one of Davido's groomsmen," Portable said.

"We had a dinner meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, weeks ago, and he asked me to be part of his groomsmen. I was meant to attend the wedding, but Davido cancelled my invitation," he added.screenshot_20240626_144300

Portable alleged that Zlatan Ibile was responsible for the sudden change, stating, "Zlatan called and poisoned Davido's mind against me. He made Davido revoke my Chivido 2024 invite."



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