FUNKE Akindele, the renowned Nollywood actor and filmmaker, recently shared exciting news about her upcoming film, "Everybody Loves Jenifa," a spinoff from the popular Jenifa franchise. The film is set to premiere in December, as confirmed by Akindele in an Instagram post on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.
Fans of the franchise can look forward to reconnecting with the beloved character Jenifa in this new cinematic venture.
Although specific details about the film are currently under wraps, the title "Everybody Loves Jenifa" hints at a return to the elements that have captivated audiences over the years. With Funke Akindele at the helm of the creative team, viewers can expect a blend of familiar characters and engaging storylines that have defined the success of the Jenifa series.
The sitcom "Jenifa's Diary," which first aired in 2015, has been a staple of Nigerian television, featuring a talented cast including Akindele, Folarin "Falz" Falana, Lolo, and others.
Akindele's portrayal of Jenifa in the original film, "Jenifa" (2008), marked the beginning of a successful franchise that has since spawned spin-offs like "Aiyetoro Town" and "Jenifa on Lockdown." The movie received critical acclaim and multiple Africa Movie Academy Award nominations in 2009.
Akindele's stellar performance in the film earned her the prestigious Africa Movie Academy Award for Best Actress. Fans eagerly await the premiere of "Everybody Loves Jenifa" and the continuation of this beloved cinematic universe.